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6 Tips to Empower Yourself to Discover Movement

Staying as active as possible following paralysis is important not just for the physical benefits that movement provides but also for the positive effects on your mental health. However, knowing that you need to exercise and actually doing it are very different things, and that difference is harnessing the motivation to move. 

Here we break down some of our favorite tips to quiet that little voice in your head that may say, “I will start tomorrow” or “This is not for me” so that you can take charge in your journey to empowered health — today. 

The Benefits of Movement

Your specific paralysis type will determine what activities will benefit you most and which you can do. But, even with impaired sensation, movement helps the body in the following ways.

  • Nervous system regeneration
  • Joint flexibility
  • Muscle effectiveness
  • Blood circulation
  • Edema reduction
  • Skin and bowel improvement

In addition to the physical improvements seen with activity, there are also countless emotional and mental benefits. Engaging in routine physical activity can improve mood and cognitive balance, from providing a means of socialization through group activities to the release of endorphins prompted by exercise. 

Helpful Tips

  1. Discover An Activity You Truly Enjoy

Enjoying exercise can often seem like a scenario too good to be true. However, the reality is that movement can be enjoyable even with paralysis — all it takes is finding the right activity for you. Search online to find out what exercises or therapies are available and productive for someone living with paralysis, and freely explore what piques your interest. 

The MyoCycle is one such option that uses functional electrical stimulation (FES) to help muscles contract and move in response to electrical impulses. Whether your paralysis results from multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, or stroke, the MyoCycle provides therapeutic exercise and positive outcomes for those living with paralysis.  

  1. Start Small

You are far more likely to stick with your long-term, overarching goals if you first set a series of smaller, more digestible goals. As you reach each one, move forward to new, progressively bigger goals. Whether as an Olympian or a weekend warrior, no one can achieve personal bests overnight. When beginning an exercise routine, it is important to make sure that you are not causing more harm than good by shocking your muscles and body with high amounts of exercise right away. This is why programs like “From Couch to 5K” exist — starting small allows you to zoom out and recognize your progress!

  1. Clear Your Head

Let go of the versions of yourself in the past, whether you were a track star in high school or have never visited a gym a day in your life. What matters is where you are right now. Rather than comparing yourself to others or fantasizing about unrealistic versions of yourself, focus solely on continuing to do your individual best each day. 

  1. Set Attainable Goals

Ensure your goals are realistic. Often, the inspiration that sparks ambition is the idea of an achievement distant from what we can currently accomplish. However, setting attainable goals helps you avoid the motivational loss that comes from delayed gratification. 

Further, an essential part of setting attainable goals is to be realistic about the expected pace of reaching them and the hurdles along the way. Remove the feeling of guilt that you subject yourself to when things do not go according to plan. Instead, anticipate possible setbacks and plan for the few days you will miss here and there. 

  1. Make a Vision Board

Imagine what it looks like when you achieve your goals and find pictures to represent them. Research has shown that mental effort is almost as effective as physical, so visualizing achieving your movement goals will help you attain them.

  1. Find Your Fitness Community

Adding regular physical activity into your lifestyle comes with challenges, and one of them is holding yourself accountable to keep up with your goals. One of the best ways to stay committed is to find a community with people who will help support not only your strength but also your confidence and ongoing motivation. 

MYOLYN Empowers You to Move

Discovering motivation and harnessing it to make actionable changes to maintain an active lifestyle starts from within. No matter where you’re at now, you too can discover empowered movement. Find support with our MYOLYN community and learn how the MyoCycle can help you rediscover the hope behind exercise and goal setting on your journey.