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Summary Of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Neurological Therapy

September 26, 2024

In the context of neurologic physical therapy, Clinical Practice Guidelines(CPGs) are graded recommendations for best practices based on a systematic review of the available scientific literature. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy (ANPT) establish CPGs using a stringent methodology and formal development process. Once established, these CPGs are published in peer-reviewed journals and translated and disseminated so they can be incorporated into clinical practice.

In this eBook, we review the Clinical Practice Guidelines relevant to the treatment of physical therapy patients with neurologic disorders that result in paralysis or muscle weakness. Specifically, we summarize 4published CPGs. First, we cover the most relevant outcome measures for the assessment of neuro-rehab patients. Second, we discuss best practices for improving locomotor function. Next, we review the use of AFOs and FES with patients post-stroke. Finally, we discuss best practices for managing Parkinson’s Disease

Summary Of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Neurological Therapy

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