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Multiple Sclerosis: How FES Exercise and the MyoCycle Can Help

More than 400,000 people in the United States are living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – a chronic, and often disabling neurodegenerative disease. Symptoms vary for each individual but often include numbness, tingling, weakness, and impaired mobility in the legs, arms, and lower body. Apart from the daily challenges of managing this condition, there is an additional burden in the annual cost of care ranging from $8,528 to $52,244 per person.

At MYOLYN, we designed the MyoCycle to help people with Multiple Sclerosis and other debilitating conditions to achieve therapeutic exercise in order to improve their physical function and quality of life – without the added financial strain.

Here’s how we do it:

Leveraging the Benefits of FES Exercise

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a non-invasive therapy method that uses targeted electrical impulses to facilitate muscle function. For those living with Multiple Sclerosis or other neurological conditions, there is a breakdown in electrical signals between the brain, the nerves, and the muscles. Without this internal communication, the body is unable to coordinate movement in the areas affected by the disease – leaving the individual with spasticity, partial paralysis, or complete paralysis.

FES works to restore this neurological disruption and uses electrical stimuli to signal the muscles to activate independently. This revolutionary technology allows individuals with MS to safely and effectively do dynamic exercises that can improve their strength and overall mobility.

MyoCycle FES bike - It has benefits for those with Multiple Sclerosis, stroke, and other neurological disorders.

What is FES Cycling?

FES cycling, a specific form of FES therapy, uses a stationary exercise bike paired with an electrical impulse device to stimulate the muscles to move on their own. By activating the muscles through adhesive patches attached to the skin, users are able to pedal the bike despite their pre-existing conditions reducing mobility.

Electrical stimulation encourages muscle contractions by activating the body’s same neurological pathways used in non-assisted exercise. This combination of repetitive motion and electrical stimuli works to improve the user’s coordination and overall range of motion. Studies have shown that incorporating FES cycling into a rehabilitation program can significantly slow disease progression and improve overall function in people with MS.

Benefits of FES Cycling

For the best results, FES cycling is recommended for at least 30 minutes to an hour, 3 days a week. Doing the simple movements of FES cycling consistently is proven to have a significant impact on the individual’s quality of life.

Benefits of FES cycling therapy include:

  • Increased strength
  • Improved range of motion
  • Enhanced endurance in muscle groups
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased local blood circulation
  • Reduced muscle spasticity

This gentle stimulation of the muscles allows those living with MS and other related conditions to not only improve their overall health but also regain a level of independence that was not possible before.

Reducing the Power of Multiple Sclerosis with FES Exercise

For too long, the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has meant that individuals with this condition would forever be defined by their mobility limitations. MYOLYN is on a mission to rewrite the narrative that a diagnosis dictates an individual’s outcome. With this goal, we developed a FES cycling machine to help those living with physical limitations reduce the power of their condition and take back control of their lives.

MyoCycle – A FES Therapy Solution

FES is a groundbreaking therapy solution bypassing damaged nerve pathways to externally stimulate muscle function. MYOLYN harnesses the power of FES through MyoCycle – a revolutionary pedal-based exercise machine helping individuals regain functional independence.

Our proprietary technology allows movements to be synchronized in the same way as if impulses were naturally being communicated via the nervous system. Using low-energy electrodes, electrical impulses are sent to key muscle groups to stimulate muscle contractions. As the muscles respond to external stimuli, the MyoCycle tracks the user’s power and adds resistance or assistance as needed.

With options for clinics and at-home use, the MyoCycle makes exercising for those with limited mobility easy and accessible. Its compact design makes it ideal for therapy centers, outpatient clinics, rehabilitation facilities, and home exercise programs. More importantly, it offers a powerful solution to independent exercise for those living with neurological conditions and physical limitations.

Improve Mobility with MYOLYN – Your Partner in Therapeutic Exercise

The daily challenges of living with MS can take a significant toll on both the physical and emotional well-being of people with MS. Being diagnosed with a chronic condition often comes with feelings of hopelessness and isolation. Therefore, it is essential that individuals living with MS have access to therapeutic options that help them maintain their independence and improve their quality of life. At MYOLYN, we’re more than a rehabilitation technology company, we’re a partner in the individual’s journey to gaining mobility. We help people move.

Consider today how the MyoCycle, a FES therapy solution, can significantly improve overall wellbeing and provide a safe and effective option for therapeutic exercise. Reach out to our caring and knowledgeable team to find out more.