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Increased muscle strength and definition through regular exercise

Meet Susan! Susan enjoys spending time with her husband, three children, and seven grandkids. Before getting diagnosed with a C4 spinal cord injury, Susan lived an active lifestyle as a personal trainer and fitness instructor. Determined not to let her injury slow her down, she started using the MyoCycle!
C4 Spinal Cord Injury

After her injury, Susan threw herself into therapy seven days a week. And while she did become mobile, she was still dealing with a lot of pain from her injury, and muscle atrophy was affecting her significantly. She wanted to return to her active lifestyle, so she began exploring her options when she discovered the MyoCycle. 

With the use of her MyoCycle, Susan feels stronger and is seeing muscle definition she hasn’t seen in a long time. Not only that, but she feels a lot more independent thanks to her routine exercise and believes there is more to come in the future.

“My favorite activities are all and any isometric exercises, which, prior to [my MyoCycle], required much difficulty in performing tasks. Since then, my recovery has taken a spin in a positive direction, and I’m able to achieve my benchmarks”

Susan loved how easy it was to get started, stating that she had “no difficulty whatsoever getting started.” She also found our team was supportive and helpful in getting her into the routine and provided great customer service. As she told us, “[The MYOLYN] Clinical support team is excellent!”