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Lives Empowered: 5 Ways to Support People With Disabilities

Whether a disability is openly visible or not, people should always be seen and be made to feel seen. When someone in your life is impacted with any form of disability, it is natural to look for insight into this new dynamic and seek ways to be supportive — and that is the perfect first step. Supporting someone in your life who is differently-abled is the same as it is for anyone else and at its root is founded in genuine care. 

As one in four Americans lives with a disability of some sort, we should all become aware of how to include, support, and celebrate their lives. To become a steward of empowerment, read on to learn more. 

1. Focus On The Person

Their bodies do not define people. In the same way that gender, race, and ethnicity, do not define the people who stand before us, neither does a disability. As such, when speaking about a person, remember to put the person first. For example, avoid outdated depictions such as “disabled people” or “cerebral palsied.” Instead, ensure to acknowledge personhood first by saying “people with disabilities” or “a person with cerebral palsy.”

If you are communicating through the help of a translator or a caregiver, remember to maintain eye contact with the person you are engaged in conversation with rather than simply looking at the person you’re having the conversation through

2. Ask First and Do So Respectfully

Offering a helping hand is always appreciated. However, ensure that you kindly provide rather than assuming a need for help. While you may see someone with a disability and struggle to imagine your life in their shoes, remember that those are the shoes they navigate the world in every day. As such, they’ve overcome enormous obstacles and have adapted in ways you may not even possibly imagine.

By offering your help first rather than jumping in, you can avoid embarrassing, upsetting, or startling someone by misguidedly trying to assist. This situation not only has an emotional concern but also safety, as startlement or impediment may cause unintended harm.

Further, when making a plan with someone, make sure to consider accessibility. This is particularly important if you look to support a co-worker or peer, as inclusivity often, unfortunately, falls through the cracks at places of employment or education regardless of the initiative taken to safeguard it. For example, ensuring seat placement or wheelchair access is crucial to creating an inclusive environment for everyone to enjoy. 

3. Educate to Advocate

When it comes to advocating for the rights and interests of anyone, you must be well-equipped to speak into the situations and topics at hand with context and knowledge. To do so requires that you take time to educate yourself on disabilities and how life may be different for those affected. 

However, this does not simply apply to the struggles that disabilities may present. It also applies to the opportunities that these extraordinary people can thrive within and paves the way for them. Educating yourself on inclusive education, employment, and transportation are great steps towards becoming a better advocate for your loved one’s opportunities. 

Additionally, become familiar with the specific disability or condition at hand. Understanding the physical aspects of a disability helps to contextualize its overall life impact. Below, we have included some key information resources for the most common mobility disabilities that affect our community. 

Do not be afraid to ask questions about how someone has adapted to their disability and how it has impacted them. Disabilities should not be a taboo subject. However, do understand that your curiosity does not automatically entitle you to an answer. Personal discussions, such as those around sexual performance, are inappropriate to ask without delicacy and relational considerations. 

4. Get Involved Too!

Celebrating support is also crucial, and there is a special community that has formed across the nation and world for people with disabilities over the years. From exciting events to empowering philanthropy, there are an endless number of opportunities to get involved. Whether your involvement directly supports those affected by the same disability as your loved one or spreads awareness for a broader cause, your participation is undoubtedly appreciated. 

Here at MYOLYN, we love to get involved with charities and events aligned with our mission to improve health and human performance by empowering people to move. Below, we have included some of our favorite charities and events that you may want to become involved in. 

Go a step further and take your time to thoughtfully consider how you can best get involved to support and spread awareness for lives affected by disabilities. 

You can also look to Facebook for groups to join pertaining to your interests to engage in open dialogue about life with disabilities, being a caregiver, and finding events to participate in. At MYOLYN, we have started our own community group for you to join and engage in freely. 

5. Be a Guide for Change

At MYOLYN, empowering lives is what we are all about, and we are thrilled to have remarkable people join our community for change. By learning more about disabilities, supporting the lives of people with them, and guiding others to a more inclusive community, we can all lead better lives — together. For more information, reach out to us to learn about our commitment to bringing strength and movement into the lives of people with disabilities.