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Amanda Vaughn

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Improved Core Strength and Self Image

Meet Amanda Vaughn! Amanda is 39 years old and was diagnosed with a grapefruit-sized spinal cord ependymoma at the age of 10. She is an avid knitter, crocheter, and keeps up her own YouTube channel where she shares about the joy of crafting.
Spinal Cord Ependymoma

Amanda's spinal cord ependymoma diagnosis significantly impacted her daily life, resulting in muscle atrophy and wheelchair use at the age of 30. Amanda wanted a way to enjoy movement again.

Since using the MyoCycle Home, Amanda has experienced remarkable improvements, including improved core strength and balance. "I can now sit on the edge of a bed without feeling like I need someone there to hold me. I can transfer better and I enjoy standing in my KAFOs much more." Her benefits went beyond the physical, sharing "The MyoCycle helps with my self image. I had so much fun doing Pedal for a Purpose. It really felt great to be able to participate in something like that."

"My MyoCycle has given me the opportunity to be able to move after it has been taken away from me. It allows me to work at goals I can achieve."

Amanda expressed her gratitude for the MYOLYN team, saying, “The Myolyn staff has always been amazing. Every time I've reached out to them, they've been incredibly kind and helpful." She shared a story of when one of her cables broke and the MYOLYN team sent her a new one free of charge under her warranty. "They have gone above and beyond creating an FES bike that is more affordable that anything out on the market. You can definitely tell that they care about helping people with what they've done."